Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Roast chicken dinner

So I had a whole organic chicken defrosted in the fridge from the night before. I took off the wrapper and gave it a good wash. Then I chopped an onion, some carrots and celery and threw them into the bottom of a roasting pan. Then I smashed some garlic and threw it and the neck in too. Then I rubbed olive oil all over the bird and sprinkled some freshly cracked pepper and sea salt. I set the bird on top of the veg, poured in a little water, put the lid on and threw it into the oven at 350 for just under two hours. Meanwhile, I peeled and chopped the potatoes and half a yam and put them in a pot of water on top of the stove. Once the chick was near done, I boiled the potatoes and heated up the frozen peas (organic bagged ones from Costco are great) in some water. Then I took the chicken out of the oven, let it set on a cutting board and poured some of the hot potato water into the roaster. Then I took my hand blender and pureed all the veg with the water and it made a nice gravy! There was no need to thicken it or season it. I mashed the potatoes with some BUTTER and sea salt and fresh cracked pepper and VOILA! Dinner was served and there were no leftovers! Well, there were bones that I used to boil in water to make a broth to freeze for a future recipe!

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